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  • E TİCARET SİTESİ KURULUMU | Dijital Medya Antalya Web Tasarım Ajansı

    E-COMMERCE SITE SETUP PLEASE CONTACT FOR PROFESSIONAL GOOGLE ADS MANAGEMENT CONTACT Antalya E-Ticaret Sitesi Kurumak What is the Purpose of E-Commerce? ​ The aim of e-commerce is to deliver products and services to the customer quickly and smoothly. In this way, while sellers increase their market potential and size, buyers benefit from a wide product selection, clear product information, reasonable prices and quality delivery opportunities. Who Are E-Commerce Users? E-commerce; It can take place between individuals, companies and public institutions. Therefore, there is a very large user network: ·Individuals ·Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Large capital firms ·Public institutions ·Banks · Insurance companies · Retail outlets, boutique stores, market chains and ·Second hand stuff ·Marketing It can be used by many sectors such as education, entertainment, food, clothing. What are the Advantages of E-Commerce? ​ Since the world has a natural limit, there is actually a limit to the market, that is, to the area in which you can grow as companies. However, e-commerce, together with advanced logistics and supply chain, almost completely eliminates these boundaries. It offers the opportunity to sell to the same market repeatedly and in a very short time. Moreover, with the increase in digital tools, marketing methods are constantly evolving. If we look at the benefits and advantages of e-commerce from the perspective of customers and vendors, Thanks to e-commerce, customers; They can access detailed and complete product information. They can make price comparisons between products. Have a fast and easy shopping experience. · They can follow product reviews from various channels. You can reach discounted prices on many products. They can choose from a wide range of products. They can exchange products and services from many parts of the world. · They can easily follow the campaigns. If they have a return guarantee, they can shop with confidence. They can reach the store whenever they want. · They can easily send products to a buyer other than themselves. Thanks to e-commerce, sellers; They have a 24/7 open store. ​ What are the E-Commerce Types? ​ ·Business to Business (B2B) – Business to Business E-Commerce ·Business to Consumer (B2C) – Business to Consumer E-Commerce ·Consumer to Business (C2B) – Consumer to Firm E-Commerce ·Consumer to Consumer (C2C) – Consumer to Consumer E-Commerce ·Business to Employee (B2E) – E-Commerce from Company to Employees The most common types of e-commerce used in our country are B2C and B2B. However, of course, the business methods of these two e-commerce types may vary. In the rest of our article, we will briefly list what needs to be done to be able to sell directly to the customer, that is, for the B2C model. The Right Ad Returns Are High and Low Cost Rob Walters

  • Antalya Web Tasarım| Dijital Medya | Antalya

    DIGITAL MEDIA ADVERTISING AGENCY OF ANTALYA PROFESSIONAL BRAND AND SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT ​ Contact Us Make an Appointment PARTNERLİKLERİMİZ GOOGLE PARTNER WIX PARTNER social media management GROW YOUR BUSINESS ON DIGITAL MEDIA WITH PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT CONTACT US Web design PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE DESIGN SUITABLE FOR YOUR NEEDS CONTACT US seo optimization BE VISIBLE IN GOOGLE SEARCHES CONTACT US adwords management Spend MONEY RIGHT, SEE THE RIGHT PEOPLE CONTACT US e-commerce solutions GET AHEAD OF YOUR COMPETITORS WITH E-COMMERCE INTEGRATION CONTACT US ABOUT DIGITAL MEDIA Since 2018, we have become an effective Social Media Agency dedicated to helping its customers reach the right audience. We have the knowledge and experience to make brands famous through our press work, promotions and events. We have worked extensively and successfully with both new and established businesses. Are you ready to level up your business? Communication WEB DESIGN WEB DESIGN We enable you to announce your business to huge audiences on Google with web designs specific to your business. Read more SEO OPTIMIZATION SEO Take advantage of being on the first pages of Google with the right SEO optimization specific to your web page. Read more SOFTWARE SUPPORT SOFTWARE Make a big difference with other businesses by customizing your web design with software support services Read more GOOGLE ADS MANAGEMENT ADS MANAGEMENT With the right Google ADS allocations, we provide you to reach the right audience by paying less. Read more MOBILE COMPATIBLE WEB DESIGN MOBILE COMPLIANCE We make you stand out in digital media with our mobile compatible web designs. Read more CREATING E COMMERCE SITE E COMMERCE We support you to establish a large market network with the right integrations by preparing an e-commerce site from scratch. Read more SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT OUR PACKAGES DIGITAL MEDIA BASIC PACKAGE 6 POSTS MONTHLY 6 Pieces of Stories Special Day Visual Design Account Tracking Consultancy Creating Original Images and Content e-mail | Phone | Live support Use of Hashtag# Suitable for Sharing CONTACT US STANDARD PACKAGE 12 POSTS MONTHLY 12 Pieces story 1 Piece Video Account Management Special Day Visual Design Special Design Templates Corporate Identity His studies Use of Hashtag# Suitable for Sharing Monthly Reporting and Analysis CONTACT US PREMIUM PACKAGE 20 POSTS MONTHLY 20 Pieces of Stories 2 Videos Drone Shooting Account Management Custom Design Templates Special day Visual Design Use of Hashtag# Suitable for Sharing Social Media Accounts Setup Corporate Identity Studies Monthly Reporting and Analysis Designing 5 Sponsored Advertisement Images CONTACT US CUSTOMERS Past and Present TECHNO MOTORS FUTURE ANTALYA KONYAALTI ASPENDOS DOĞTAŞ ANTALYA KONYAALTI BUTTERFLY ANTALYA KONYAALTI TECHNO MOTORS NOSTALGIA ENGINE SCOOTER ART AVSARLAR GROUP NOSTALGIA ENGINE GHOST SCOOTER SCOOTER ART LİMAN MOBİLYA AVSARLAR GROUP NOSTALGIA ENGINE GHOST SCOOTER SCOOTER ART ERSU SONDAJ AVSARLAR GROUP NOSTALGIA ENGINE GHOST SCOOTER SCOOTER ART AVSARLAR GROUP

  • Antalya Web Tasarım & Reklam Ajansı | Dijital Medya Antalya

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  • Antalya Web Tasarım & Reklam Ajansı | Dijital Medya Antalya

    GİZLİLİK VE GÜVENLİK POLİTİKASI Sitemizde verilen tüm servisler ve adresinde kayıtlı Dijital Medya Reklam Ajansı. firmamıza aittir ve firmamız tarafından işletilir. Firmamız, çeşitli amaçlarla kişisel veriler toplayabilir. Aşağıda, toplanan kişisel verilerin nasıl ve ne şekilde toplandığı, bu verilerin nasıl ve ne şekilde korunduğu belirtilmiştir. Üyelik veya Mağazamız üzerindeki çeşitli form ve anketlerin doldurulması suretiyle üyelerin kendileriyle ilgili bir takım kişisel bilgileri (isim-soy isim, firma bilgileri, telefon, adres veya e-posta adresleri gibi) Mağazamız tarafından işin doğası gereği toplanmaktadır. Firmamız bazı dönemlerde müşterilerine ve üyelerine kampanya bilgileri, yeni ürünler hakkında bilgiler, promosyon teklifleri gönderebilir. Üyelerimiz bu gibi bilgileri alıp almama konusunda her türlü seçimi üye olurken yapabilir, sonrasında üye girişi yaptıktan sonra hesap bilgileri bölümünden bu seçimi değiştirilebilir ya da kendisine gelen bilgilendirme iletisindeki linkle bildirim yapabilir. Mağazamız üzerinden veya eposta ile gerçekleştirilen onay sürecinde, üyelerimiz tarafından mağazamıza elektronik ortamdan iletilen kişisel bilgiler, Üyelerimiz ile yaptığımız "Kullanıcı Sözleşmesi" ile belirlenen amaçlar ve kapsam dışında üçüncü kişilere açıklanmayacaktır. Sistemle ilgili sorunların tanımlanması ve verilen hizmet ile ilgili çıkabilecek sorunların veya uyuşmazlıkların hızla çözülmesi için, Firmamız, üyelerinin IP adresini kaydetmekte ve bunu kullanmaktadır. IP adresleri, kullanıcıları genel bir şekilde tanımlamak ve kapsamlı demografik bilgi toplamak amacıyla da kullanılabilir. Firmamız, Üyelik Sözleşmesi ile belirlenen amaçlar ve kapsam dışında da, talep edilen bilgileri kendisi veya işbirliği içinde olduğu kişiler tarafından doğrudan pazarlama yapmak amacıyla kullanabilir. Kişisel bilgiler, gerektiğinde kullanıcıyla temas kurmak için de kullanılabilir. Firmamız tarafından talep edilen bilgiler veya kullanıcı tarafından sağlanan bilgiler veya Mağazamız üzerinden yapılan işlemlerle ilgili bilgiler; Firmamız ve işbirliği içinde olduğu kişiler tarafından, "Üyelik Sözleşmesi" ile belirlenen amaçlar ve kapsam dışında da, üyelerimizin kimliği ifşa edilmeden çeşitli istatistiksel değerlendirmeler, veri tabanı oluşturma ve pazar araştırmalarında kullanılabilir. Firmamız, gizli bilgileri kesinlikle özel ve gizli tutmayı, bunu bir sır saklama yükümü olarak addetmeyi ve gizliliğin sağlanması ve sürdürülmesi, gizli bilginin tamamının veya herhangi bir kısmının kamu alanına girmesini veya yetkisiz kullanımını veya üçüncü bir kişiye ifşasını önlemek için gerekli tüm tedbirleri almayı ve gerekli özeni göstermeyi taahhüt etmektedir.

  • Antalya Web Tasarım | Dijital Medya Reklam Web Tasarım Ajansı

    DIGITAL MEDIA ADVERTISING AGENCY OF ANTALYA PROFESSIONAL BRAND AND SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT ​ Contact Us Make an Appointment PARTNERLİKLERİMİZ GOOGLE PARTNER WIX PARTNER ANTALYA WEB DESIGN PLEASE CONTACT FOR PROFESSIONAL WEB DESIGN CONTACT ​ It is a work created by bringing together graphics and texts that enable websites to be accessible on the internet and search engines, and introduce people, institutions, products and services through websites. Websites are the identities and visible faces of institutions and individuals in the virtual internet environment. Web designs are in HTML language and should definitely be done by experts. Websites must be specially designed so that internet browsers can view them. While designing the websites, the target audience should be determined and worked within this framework. A quality web design should have features that appeal to the determined target audience and provide ease of use to users. It is important to include visually striking elements in web designs. In addition, important elements such as originality, content and security in the designs of websites greatly affect the design quality. Web designs, project design, HTML or CSS coding, graphic design, testing processes and CMS integration are completed at the end. ​ What are web design elements? ​ Colors: Color choices are optional in web designs. However, these preferences should be in favor of colors that reflect their place in human psychology, the image of companies and their corporate identities in their sectors. ​ ​ Graphics : The use of graphics that will negatively affect the opening speed of the sites while making web designs affects the web sites negatively. For this reason, one should be very careful and selective when preparing graphics, logos, photographs and icons. ​ ​ Fonts: The fonts used in the designs of websites are also very effective in the quality of the design. As a result of the right choices, many web browsers can display safe fonts in high quality. Considering these issues, accepted fonts should be used. ​ ​ Content: After determining the needs and target audiences of the websites, the content consisting of texts and images should be prepared in a way that is SEO compatible, informative to the users and arouses the curiosity of the users. The use of keywords in the content is of great importance in terms of SEO. ​ What is Professional Web Design? How should it be? ​ ​ Individuals and institutions who want to be more visible in digital environments and to reach the places they deserve, prefer professional web design works. Professional web design works make companies look reliable and unique online. In today's conditions, websites have a very important place for many people and institutions. For every website, design and content are important in terms of compliance with the industry. By ensuring this compatibility, the sites can be designed to reach every user in a global sense. Thus, the growth of the target customer groups of the websites is ensured. ​ ​ Especially e-commerce sites should be active 24/7 so that they can sell at any time of the day. Keeping websites open all the time, increasing sales and marketing revenues, and reducing campaign and advertising expenses can only be achieved with professional web designs.

  • Antalya Web Tasarım | Dijital Medya Reklam Web Tasarım Ajansı

    ANTALYA WEB DESIGN PLEASE CONTACT FOR PROFESSIONAL WEB DESIGN CONTACT ​ It is a work created by bringing together graphics and texts that enable websites to be accessible on the internet and search engines, and introduce people, institutions, products and services through websites. Websites are the identities and visible faces of institutions and individuals in the virtual internet environment. Web designs are in HTML language and should definitely be done by experts. Websites must be specially designed so that internet browsers can view them. While designing the websites, the target audience should be determined and worked within this framework. A quality web design should have features that appeal to the determined target audience and provide ease of use to users. It is important to include visually striking elements in web designs. In addition, important elements such as originality, content and security in the designs of websites greatly affect the design quality. Web designs, project design, HTML or CSS coding, graphic design, testing processes and CMS integration are completed at the end. ​ What are web design elements? ​ Colors: Color choices are optional in web designs. However, these preferences should be in favor of colors that reflect their place in human psychology, the image of companies and their corporate identities in their sectors. ​ ​ Graphics : The use of graphics that will negatively affect the opening speed of the sites while making web designs affects the web sites negatively. For this reason, one should be very careful and selective when preparing graphics, logos, photographs and icons. ​ ​ Fonts: The fonts used in the designs of websites are also very effective in the quality of the design. As a result of the right choices, many web browsers can display safe fonts in high quality. Considering these issues, accepted fonts should be used. ​ ​ Content: After determining the needs and target audiences of the websites, the content consisting of texts and images should be prepared in a way that is SEO compatible, informative to the users and arouses the curiosity of the users. The use of keywords in the content is of great importance in terms of SEO. ​ What is Professional Web Design? How should it be? ​ ​ Individuals and institutions who want to be more visible in digital environments and to reach the places they deserve, prefer professional web design works. Professional web design works make companies look reliable and unique online. In today's conditions, websites have a very important place for many people and institutions. For every website, design and content are important in terms of compliance with the industry. By ensuring this compatibility, the sites can be designed to reach every user in a global sense. Thus, the growth of the target customer groups of the websites is ensured. ​ ​ Especially e-commerce sites should be active 24/7 so that they can sell at any time of the day. Keeping websites open all the time, increasing sales and marketing revenues, and reducing campaign and advertising expenses can only be achieved with professional web designs. Much more than a website Rob Walters

  • Antalya Web Tasarım | Antalya Reklam Ajansı | Dijital Medya Antalya

    Hakkımızda Dijital Medya Antalya, Antalya, Türkiye merkezli bir web tasarım ajansıdır. Şirket, yerel bölgedeki işletmelere yüksek kaliteli web tasarım hizmetleri sunmaya odaklanarak 2016 yılında kurulmuştur. Dijital Medya Antalya, her müşterinin özel ihtiyaçlarına göre hazırlanmış profesyonel, kullanıcı dostu web siteleri oluşturma konusunda uzmanlaşmış deneyimli web tasarımcılarından oluşan bir ekibe sahiptir. Ekip, oluşturdukları her web sitesinin görsel olarak çekici, gezinmesi kolay ve arama motorları için optimize edilmiş olmasını sağlamak için en son web tasarım teknolojilerini ve tekniklerini kullanır. Dijital Medya Antalya ile çalışmanın en önemli avantajlarından biri, olağanüstü müşteri hizmeti sağlama taahhüdüdür. Ekip, iş hedeflerini anlamak ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan ve beklentilerini aşan bir web sitesi tasarlamak için müşterilerle yakın çalışmaya kendini adamıştır. Dijital Medya Antalya, web tasarımına ek olarak, web geliştirme, arama motoru optimizasyonu (SEO) ve çevrimiçi pazarlama dahil olmak üzere bir dizi başka hizmet de sunmaktadır. Bu, şirketin, işletmelerin çevrimiçi varlıklarını geliştirmelerine ve daha fazla müşteriye ulaşmalarına yardımcı olacak kapsamlı bir hizmet yelpazesi sunmasına olanak tanır. Dijital Medya Antalya, çeşitli sektörlerdeki küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli müşterilerle çalıştı. Şirketin önemli müşterilerinden bazıları yerel restoranları, perakendecileri ve hizmet sağlayıcıları içerir. Genel olarak, Dijital Medya Antalya, Antalya bölgesindeki işletmelere yüksek kaliteli hizmetler sunan güvenilir ve güvenilir bir web tasarım ajansıdır. Deneyimli tasarımcılardan oluşan ekipleri ve müşteri odaklı yaklaşımları, onları çevrimiçi varlıklarını geliştirmek ve daha fazla müşteriye ulaşmak isteyen işletmeler için mükemmel bir seçim haline getiriyor. Anasayfa

  • Seo Optimizasyonu | Dijital Medya | Antalya

    PROFESSIONAL SEO OPTIMIZATION PLEASE CONTACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SEO OPTIMIZATION CONTACT WEB DESIGN ​ ​ What is SEO, How is it done? ​ ​ The answer to the question of what is SEO can be defined as all the improvement work done for search engines about a website. Search engines, which are used to search for information and products on the Internet, are the biggest visitor and customer resources of web platforms with these features. In the search results, the majority of the customers visit the sites on the first pages, and this sector has emerged and gained importance over time. ​ ​ SEO aims to reach the highest number of visitors in the search traffic of these words by ranking higher in search engines with the relevant keywords. In this context, SEO studies aim to provide a web platform where they can reach their visitors more easily and quickly by making websites compatible with search engines in all aspects. In this respect, SEO also helps websites reach a level that is more understandable, easy to use and can give the visitor what they are looking for. ​ ​ SEO Consulting and SEO Service ​ Many companies, e-commerce companies, blogs or website owners try to do SEO work or take this service professionally. If you are marketing a product or service, SEO is a must-have tool for you. With the right SEO work, you can deliver the product or service you market to your potential customer faster and more accurately. In addition, even if you have a non-marketing website, you can increase your company's recognition and brand value with professional SEO consultancy service or increase your site's visit rates. ​ Determining the Target Audience ​ Keyword analysis: Keyword analysis suitable for the sector is done by focusing on words with high search volume suitable for the target audience. Site contents are optimized in line with the determined keywords, URL structures are updated. ​ Competitor analysis : By examining your competitors in the sector, growth in your organic traffic, positive reflection of organic traffic on turnover and visibility in search results with the right keywords are targeted within a certain period. ​ Sectoral Analysis: In line with the competitor analysis, the competitiveness of the sector is examined and the targets are determined accordingly. User Acquisition ​ Content optimization: Visitor-friendly content containing keywords that are suitable for your target audience and have high search volumes can be defined as SEO-friendly content. This is how website contents are organized. ​ Mobile compatibility: Mobile-friendly websites rank higher than non-mobile-friendly websites. In this direction, websites are arranged to be mobile-friendly. ​ User experience: On-site interaction controls are provided based on user experience. Behavior Measurement ​ Regular checks: It is possible that the arrangements made may be corrupted by a software problem or an update. Therefore, the project is constantly checked at regular intervals. ​ Data controls: While the data such as landing pages, most visited pages, organic traffic increases, new user increase rates are analyzed for periods such as monthly and annually; It is also examined on a monthly or seasonal basis. ​ User analytics: On-site user behavior gives clues about optimizations. Therefore, optimizations are made in line with user analysis. SEO isn't about getting traffic, it's about getting targeted and relevant traffic. Adam Audette Rob Walters

  • Google ADS Reklamları | Dijital Medya Antalya Web Tasarım Ajansı

    GOOGLE ADS ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT PLEASE CONTACT FOR PROFESSIONAL GOOGLE ADS MANAGEMENT CONTACT Google ADS ​ With the Google Ads Management and Consulting Service, the right audience can be advertised correctly. Make the most of your budget and always get positive ROI (return on investment) with Google Ads campaigns that are conversion-focused and managed based on data. Get more efficiency in your Google ads with the same budget with Google Ads management and consultancy service. Let's measure your digital marketing efforts with data-based and conversion-oriented advertising campaigns. What is Google Ads? Almost 4 billion searches are made in a day on Google, which has about 80% of the search engine market share. By using this massive traffic, Google offers businesses a great opportunity to increase their web traffic, sales, potential audience and conversion rates. Although SEO and SEM are often confused by those who have not researched digital marketing, it is possible to get results within minutes with SEM, that is, search engine marketing, while SEO is a long-term plan. Google Ads enables businesses to reach their target audiences with various advertising methods. What Does Google Ads Do? As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, Google Ads enables businesses or organizations to reach their target audiences much faster through search engine marketing. Although SEM is more costly than SEO, it is a marketing method that should be preferred especially for people who want to sell services or products over the internet. If you deliver your SEM campaigns to Digital Web Design, you can have much higher conversion rates at lower costs. What are Google Ads Ad Types? Search Ads After examining your Digital Web Design products and services, it determines the most suitable keywords for you and thus promotes your products and services directly to a relevant audience. After the optimization process, you can achieve high conversions with low costs. Display Network Thanks to the display network, your products and services can be displayed on hundreds of thousands of different websites. Of course, Digital Web Design does not miss this opportunity! Advertising campaigns designed with data directed towards your target audience increase your conversions. Shopping Ads Shopping ads have a more complex optimization process than classic ads. Shopping ads use product data from your website instead of keywords. Necessary optimizations are reported by Digital Web Design. Video Ad Network Sometimes videos can be the best option to promote a product or service. Of course, to convince the target audience! Digital Web Design aims to achieve maximum conversions from these ads by focusing directly on data in video ads. The Right Ad Returns Are High and Low Cost Rob Walters

  • Antalya Sosyal Medya Yönetimi| Marka Yönetimi Dijital Medya Reklam Ajansı

    SERVICES dijital medya sosyal medya paketleri dijital medya sosyal medya paketleri dijital medya sosyal medya paketleri BASIC PACKAGE 6 POSTS MONTHLY 6 Pieces of Stories Special Day Visual Design Account Tracking Consultancy Creating Original Images and Content e-mail | Phone | Live support Use of Hashtag# Suitable for Sharing CONTACT US STANDARD PACKAGE 12 POSTS MONTHLY 12 Pieces story 1 Piece Video Account Management Special Day Visual Design Special Design Templates Corporate Identity His studies Use of Hashtag# Suitable for Sharing Monthly Reporting and Analysis CONTACT US PREMIUM PACKAGE 20 POSTS MONTHLY 20 Pieces of Stories 2 Videos Drone Shooting Account Management Custom Design Templates Special day Visual Design Use of Hashtag# Suitable for Sharing Social Media Accounts Setup Corporate Identity Studies Monthly Reporting and Analysis Designing 5 Sponsored Advertisement Images CONTACT US

  • Antalya Reklam Ajansı | Dijital Medya | Sosyal Medya Yönetimi

    EVERYTHING ABOUT DIGITAL MEDIA Digital Media, 2018 Representing talented people and organizations from many sectors since. We believe there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all strategy. We organize customer-specific campaigns so that each of our customers can reach their goals. Because we understand the media and valuable connections so well, we are able to break through the noise and develop compelling stories that achieve the best possible results. Get in touch and we'll move you to the position you deserve. More information

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